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Audio Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Richard Wurmbrand :  God's Beauty Parlor (Mrs. Wumbrand)

 God's Beauty Parlor (Mrs. Wumbrand) by Richard Wurmbrand

Topic: Sanctification
Description: nil
Sermon Comments (3)

 Great women of faith. 
A message by Sabina, wife of Richard Wurmbrand. Memories from the years in Communist prisons in Romania. The face of Stephen (Acts 6) shone like the face of an angel. The Christian prisoners experienced the same thing, so their song became: "Jesus loves me, yes I know/ For their faces tell me so" - because they had no Bibles in prison.

 I Personally Transcribed this Audio for Sabina 
I was so blessed to see this audio file,"In God's Beauty Parlor" on semonindex. I personally transcribed this for my dear Sabina about 10 years ago. Sabina and Richard were the 2 most loving people we ever knew. We were blessed to know then and be apart of their family. Love in Jesus our Messiah, Andrea

 God's beauty parlour 
This is a passionate and moving account clearly recorded by Mrs. Wurmbrand and spoken from the heart. She describes the most intemse suffering at the hands of those who hate Christ and His word. Every member should hear this.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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